Find the perfect antenna for you

Enter your address so we can provide you with antenna recommendations for your specific location as well as installation instructions and support.

Find the perfect antenna​ for you​

Answer the three questions to finalize your results.

Please complete all the questions.
Do you live in an apartment or house?
Do you have access to a window on the side of your home?
Do you have access to your attic to potentially place an antenna?

Results are in!

Because you live within miles of the main broadcast towers, you can likely use an indoor antenna. You will want to make sure you place your antenna in a window (or near a window) that is facing .

RCA Amplified Indoor
Flat HDTV Antenna
GE Hover Amplified
TV Antenna
RCA Indoor Flat
HDTV Antenna

Results are in!

You live an average of miles from the major network towers. As a result of distance or window access, an indoor antenna likely won't provide reliable and quality reception unless placed in the attic. The good news is that you can still get great reception with an outdoor/attic antenna. There are some great options that are easy to install, look great and will provide you with your favorite channels.

onn. Outdoor Antenna
with Pole
Antennas Direct
ClearStream MAX
GE Pro
Outdoor Yagi

Unfortunately, an antenna likely won’t work for your location.

Your location is too far from the towers or you live an area that is hard to get a reliable signal.

As a result, even the most powerful long range antennas will likely not work well for your location.  You might be be able to pickup some stations, but getting all the major networks will be a challenge.

Uncover dozens of channels FREE to you!

Enter your home ZIP code below to see your area’s lineup. Subject to reception and availability.

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